MOU Signing-MksU and Strathmore University Energy Research Centre


Signing of MOU between Machakos University and Strathmore University Energy Research Centre on 12th November, 2018.

The Vice-Chancellor Prof. Lucy Irungu led the University Management team in signing of an MOU between the University and Strathmore University Energy Research Centre.  The MOU is to facilitate the carrying out Training of the Trainers on Solar PV courses, collaboration in Practical Energy Auditing Training program for University engineers and technicians and setting up specialized facilities for renewable energy training in the two Institutions.

  1. Jointly conduct Training of the Trainers on Solar PV courses level T1, T2 and T3 for Internal staff. Strathmore Energy Research Centre (SERC) to support Machakos University’s Centre for Renewable Energy towards accreditation by NITA and ERC to offer training in renewable energy courses. Both parties may appoint staff from either side as adjunct or ‘honorary and visiting lecturers/professors’ or experts in such field as per set out minimum qualification and criteria in their areas of training and specialization.
  2. Establish research collaboration in Practical Energy Auditing Training program for University engineers and technicians – the overriding objective of the auditing training programme is to enable participants to undertake energy audits in the institution’s facilities to identify technically and financially viable energy conservation measures (ECMs) that can be implemented to reduce energy cost and also prepare energy audit reports and other necessary returns to comply with the Energy Management Regulations.
  3. Establish Energy Management course at Machakos University – the Energy Management Course targets senior university staff on the compliance requirements of the Energy Management Regulations as gazetted by ERC in 2012.
  4. Assist each other in setting up specialized facilities for renewable energy training where appropriate, in order to enhance each other’s capability in critical areas to further the objectives of the collaboration. This will include to facilitate and permit use of each other’s facilities such as Laboratories, research infrastructure and conference facilities at discounted rates as long as the facilities are used for collaborative project work or of mutual benefit.






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